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Rituals for success, health, and wellness at work

It's hard to balance work and a healthy life, especially for entrepreneurs, creatives, and go-getters. We know what it's like to be so passionate about a goal that you forget to take care of yourself in the process. 

The new year is a natural time to set your sights on positive changes. You might want to implement habits for a healthy work routine, like breaks from the computer, time outside, and sufficient sleep. But these changes are easier said than done, especially if you're someone who struggles with executive functioning. 

So, while we're tempted to make New Year's resolutions for work in an effort to have a more balanced 2024, we've decided on a different approach. Rather than trying to force a change of habit, we're making small decisions each day to encourage self-awareness and self-care. By mindfully aligning our daily actions with our values, we can make room for healthy lifestyle choices while still moving toward our creative and professional goals. 

Our favorite practices for a wellness-aligned workday

  1. Setting an intention in the morning  

Start each morning with a check-in to assess how you're feeling and what you need out of the day. What would make your day successful? What do you need to prioritize? These and similar questions can help you set the right intentions. 

  1. Making a more/less list for the week

Artist Julia Rothman shared her New Year’s more/less list ritual with the New York Times in 2021, but we love this as a weekly exercise, too. Looking back at the previous week, decide what you want more or less of in your life. Notice that you're suffering from a lack of veggies and time outside? Focus on bringing more of that to your work week.

  1. Noticing what is working and not working for you

Finding the best ways to care for yourself requires self-awareness. Sometimes it’s helpful to track your work time, activity, and mood for a week to learn which areas need a little attention. You might find that you’re noticeably less focused and productive when you skip lunch, which could motivate you to prioritize breaking mid-day.

  1. Setting alarms to remember your priorities 

If you want to prioritize certain rituals but tend to get caught up in work, try using alarms or a Pomodoro timer. If you have an hourly alarm reminding you to get up and stretch, you may be more likely to keep up with that practice. 

  1. Finding an accountability buddy 

Whatever you envision for 2024, having an accountability buddy can help you stay on track. If you want to take walks on your lunch break, maybe there's a coworker who can join you or a friend who you can call on your walks. 

  1. Breaking things down into smaller steps

Both long- and short-term goals will feel more approachable when you break them down into smaller, more attainable steps. 

  1. Acknowledging your accomplishments 

If you do nothing else on this list, remember to practice self-compassion. Give yourself credit for the things you get done, and remember that everyone moves at their own pace. You're doing it right as long as you're honoring your needs and taking care of yourself. 


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